2024 Advanced Forwards and Defensemen Camps


U13 Advanced Forwards Camp

This camp will focus on all Offensive specific skills such as deceptive skating, evasive moves, advanced puck handling, offensive tactics, and scoring.

Led by Reid Robertson

Aug 19 to 23 4:45-5:35pm (Tuesday to Friday)

2010 and 2011 Birth Years

Cost $299 + GST (early bird price) 

To Register!

U13 Advanced Defensemen Camp

This camp will be lead by Reid Robertson and will focus on all Defensemen specific skills such as defensive specific skating, gap control, stick positioning, zone coverage, game play positioning, tactics, and scoring.

Led by Reid Robertson

Aug 19 to 23 5:45-6:35pm (Monday to Friday)

2012 and 2013 Birth Years

Cost $299 + GST (early bird price)

To Register!